Amiga Format CD 40
Amiga Format CD40 (1999-05-11)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-06].iso
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Text File
177 lines
an easy to use fractal generator
(programmed in Blitz2 Basic)
THE MANUAL............
(Right Mouse For Menu's)
Project - Load IFF (from disk,those with Blitz2 Basic
can change the path and recompile
if,for instance,using from hard disk.)
Save IFF (to disk,ditto)
Info (show plot parameters)
About (Me etc.)
Quit (leave program)
Plot - Reset - unzoom plot to default size
Replot - redo plot from beginning
Set Mand - set to plot Mandelbrot set
Set Julia - set to plot Julia set,
also, immediately position
mouse pointer to anywhere in Mand.set
and click on Replot to generate the
Julia set corresponding to position clicked on.
If you have zoomed in, and omit to click
on Reset also, you get the equivalent zoom
for the Julia set.
Preview - this provides a quick look
at an area, and plots every other
x,y point.
Plot - start plotting, stop
plotting by clicking right mouse
button, subsequently clicking 'plot'
will start again from the same scan line.
This enables one to stop and alter say,
the palette, or iteration value, etc.
Zoomin - clicking here allows you to
position mouse pointer to the top left
of an interesting area, and drag out
(top left to bottom right) a 'rubber
box' to define an area to enlarge then
click on 'Replot' to plot.
Zoomout - to zoom out a bit, click this.
will take multiple clicks.
(not very accurate!)
ClrScrn - clear the window.
Invert - ah, now it's fun time!
turns your plot inside out
(try it with Incol and/or Outcol selected
from Palette menu)
Pspace - (provides variation in outside colours,
various formulae, load Fraktool.bbs
into Blitz2 Basic to examine code)
Function - Actual formulae for mandelbrot set/julia set
plus variations.
Iter's - 1 to 1000. Selects the max. number of
calculations that are carried out per
pixel, this will be at the maximum you
have chosen in the 'sea' at the center
of the Mandelbrot set, which will be
apparent from the speed of the plot.
The more calculation's, the longer it
takes, but the more detail!
PlotSize - Small, Medium, Large.
Small is quickest when looking for good
bits, Medium gives a better idea what a
full screen might look like, and Large
gives you the final Big Screen!
Spread - x0.5 to x32 - this controls the spread
of colours, x0.5 is the smoothest,
and spreads the colours over a wide
range, x32 is coarsest, and compresses
the colour range.
Palette - Setup - the AGA Palette Requestor.
This needs some explanation, as it is
my own design. (and took ages to do!)
Can be moved around to view the plot
behind it.
Click on any colour box, move sliders
to change the colour for that register.
The leftmost vertical column of colour
boxes are special, in that selecting
one of these performs a smooth graduation
of colours across sixteen registers, and
it is easy to create a graduation
across the entire 256!
This use of the leftmost column of
registers can be turned off by clicking
on 'Autoshade', when all colours can
be set individually. Reclick 'Autoshade'
to turn Autoshading back on.
The Random gadget was added because I
am a lazy sort, so continual clicking
on this can produce a good palette.
Sometimes you can lose the readability
of the screen text, just keep mouse
pointer poised over Random!
(I'm not convinced that the Random function
is set up correctly, probably my flaky
programming of Blitz!)
Strange things happen if you call Palette
Requestor a lot, it takes longer to
initialize and settle down, possibly
something to do with the way it is
LoadPalet - Bring up the Requestor, and will load
a palette from any IFF. Those with
Blitz2 Basic can change the path within
the routine and recompile.
InColour - Select this to plot the internal area
according to inbuilt formulae (derived
from the fractal generating formulae).
Aesthetic only! but looks nice.
OutColour - Similar for the outer regions of a plot
both this and above better when
iterations are at the low end i.e. 20 or so.
Cycle - Slow, Medium, Fast, Stop.
This only works once first time used!
Anyone know why?
Took ages to get it to work at all.
Also cannot cycle more than 32 colours!
Maybe latest release of Blitz2 add on
libs will do 256 colours?
This program is not intended to be of any use whatever,
and was merely written to make use of the AGA capability
of the A1200 computer, and as an exercise in Blitz2 Basic.
If any one wants to improve it, change it, delete it,
feel free, but whatever happens to it, I would prefer
that readme's, original IFF's etc. stay together.
comments - flames - praise - rude things,
lottery winnings etc. to:
email: brian@bjhills.freeserve.co.uk
phone: 01273-553443